Beautiful pics of Alina Aguiar and Alisa Tarasenko feet and legs

Alisa is well known by her roles in Strana Saasha (2022), Annushka (2009) and Leyt Naught Skul (2022). Lina Maria Aguiar is Brazilian businesswoman, with a wealth of $1.5 billion. She was thrown at the entrance of the branch of Bradesco Bank (one of Brazil's biggest banks) as a baby in 1938, Lina Maria Aguiar was adopted and born as the daughter of Amador Aguiar who was the bank's founder. Aguiar's adopted Emilia when she was a newborn, and named her Lia Maria Aguiar. Both of the sisters were listed today as billionaires thanks to the wealth of their father's inheritance. Maria Angela Amador's adopted third daughter was not able to achieve billionaire status as she was only given a small stake in Bradesco Bank. Amador, himself, had founded Bradesco Foundation to benefit Brazil's education system in 1956. The majority of his money went to this foundation. Amador's second wife and his adopted daughters fought for the remainder of Amador's fortune just prior to his demise. Lina Amador and Lia Amador both made millionaires when the girls of Amador were successful in the courts.

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